Sunday, November 30, 2008
I got my we are the union tattoo today. I am so happy with it. I was really skeptical about this place, but all of the guys were hilarious and really awesome and I totally fucking love the outcome. And it was SO affordable. I have found a new place to get my shit done at! Here it is, loves

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Crazy bitch at my job quit today. I'm so happy. All she did was drive me nuts with her lies and accusations about my manager who just so happens to be a good friend of mine. The girls at that job are all hoodrats or white trash and can't tell their heads from their anuses. It's really sickening to watch. How people that are in their 20's and much much older still act like their 12 years old with the lies and gossip they spread about people that is simply untrue. I've never understood that about women. Why they love to fucking talk shit, especially shit that isn't true. Or just say things that they don't have the courage to say to someone's face. If you have a problem with someone, fucking confront them about it. Jesus. That's why I was so fucking INFURIATED with this Josh problem. Because everything he read was something that I spoke to him about beforehand. It's nothing I didn't talk to him about already. I don't give a fuck about him getting his panties in a twist anyway because I did my best, and I tried to be a good friend, and I did everything I could possibly do and I held it in as long as I could without exploding. And I reached my last breaking point.
The sudafed I took is making me feel all kinds of fucked up. I totally forgot it did this to me last time too. I should really remember these things.
The sudafed I took is making me feel all kinds of fucked up. I totally forgot it did this to me last time too. I should really remember these things.
Friday, November 28, 2008
I think I have bronchitis =(. I can't stop coughing and my chest is starting to hurt and let's not even get to the color of my snot. Yeah, yeah, TMI, whatever. If I had gotten my motherfucking check on time I would have been ab le to buy meds to make this stupid cold go away at a proper speed. I hate that fucking Twat Factory, I swear.
ANYWAYS. Sunday. Tattoo. Fun.
ANYWAYS. Sunday. Tattoo. Fun.
Cut the malarkey
I am so sick lmfao. I just hope I don't get the dreaded 'f' word at any point. I will never fucking hear the end of it from the two idiots that birthed me. I worked from 6 am to 2 pm today and it was fucking MADNESS. The line outside of Walmart when I got there at 545 was around the block the cops had the whole building blocked off. I had to walk up 5 flights of stairs just to get inside. I am so glad I'm not fucking electronic hungry like those people are, because I'll be damned if I ever get up out of my bed at 3 am for something other than sex. Pft.
I have to babysit in like an hour, I hope the kids are mellow tonight because I feel like I'm going to colllapse. I just want to sleep is that too much to ask? Anyhow, I am so nervous about Sunday. I haven't gotten anything done in a really long time and I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for the pain haha. It'll be great pain though! And I don't even mean that sarcastically, i am SO EXCITED.
There's a great Spongebob marathon on today that I missed most of because of work and trying to sleep for an hour between tha tand babysitting. I always miss Spongebob marathons now. Anyways I gotta drink my nasty ass cold medicine now so updates later.
I have to babysit in like an hour, I hope the kids are mellow tonight because I feel like I'm going to colllapse. I just want to sleep is that too much to ask? Anyhow, I am so nervous about Sunday. I haven't gotten anything done in a really long time and I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for the pain haha. It'll be great pain though! And I don't even mean that sarcastically, i am SO EXCITED.
There's a great Spongebob marathon on today that I missed most of because of work and trying to sleep for an hour between tha tand babysitting. I always miss Spongebob marathons now. Anyways I gotta drink my nasty ass cold medicine now so updates later.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
The Spongebob Movie rules your face.
So after I calmed down, I went to my mom and I's friend's house for Thanksgiving dinner. I really did not feel like going to my grandmother's house b/c she's my dad's mom and that may sound cunt-like, and I DO deeply love my grandmother. But my aunt and her husband and my other uncle live there and they just really don't understand what an asshole my dad is and I didn't feel like fucking getting into that whole discussion over there. So I had a decent time at my friend's house, it felt really good being someplace where I was welcome and the curse of my dad wasn't following me around in the fucking place. I really can't stand that sack of shit, he's ruined everything in my life and poisons everyone else's too. I can't wait to move out of here, I really don't think anybody understands how STRONGLY I feel about leaving. It's gutwrenching.
Anyways, tomorrow is black Friday and I have to be at work at 6 am, but I don't care because I'm not expecting a lot of people there and even if there is, who gives a fuck because I'm off this weekend and I'm getting my tattoo and I just want to fucking relax.
Anyways, tomorrow is black Friday and I have to be at work at 6 am, but I don't care because I'm not expecting a lot of people there and even if there is, who gives a fuck because I'm off this weekend and I'm getting my tattoo and I just want to fucking relax.
I can't live here anymore. I woke up to my parents screaming at each other for absolutely no reason. Every fucking holiday it's like this. There can never be peace in this house, ever. You can't say anything to the sperm donor without there being cursing and swearing and venom being spit in your face. I don't understand these people. It honestly makes me wish that I were never born if only my mom could have a fucking normal life. I am so miserable and sick and I am probably not even going to go anywhere today. I will probably sleep the rest of the day and eat a frozen pizza, that's how much I fucking loathe holidays. Kill me please.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I'll steal yo honey like I stole yo bike.
My job is so fucking retarded. As a plus they were supposed to pay us today instead of Friday because we're closed on Thanksgiving. So I go to work today all excited to be getting my check and hopefully moving up my ink appointment so I can get the pain out of the way. They call me into the office to tell me that they accidentally sent the entire shoe department's checks to the store in OHIO so I won't get paid til Friday. I wanted to punch those stupid asses in the face. How do you fuck up only 10 percent of the employees money? They're lucky I don't have kids or rent to pay or they'd be fucking hearing ab out it for DAYS. Whatever fuck Burlington Twat Factory. Hopes to God I'm out of that shithole by January.
I had big plans to hang out with friends today but as usual no body is around. Casey flaked on me for the millionth time and Toya is in south carolina for gobble gobble day. I am so bored I feel like I'm losing my mind. I just want someone to hang with goddamnit. This is like the time that I start to feeling like I wish I had a boyfriend so that when my friends are being douchebags or the case being that all of my besties live too far away I'd have someone else. But that's not the case. And men suck at life so I guess I'll be hanging out with my mom again woofuckinghoo.
I had big plans to hang out with friends today but as usual no body is around. Casey flaked on me for the millionth time and Toya is in south carolina for gobble gobble day. I am so bored I feel like I'm losing my mind. I just want someone to hang with goddamnit. This is like the time that I start to feeling like I wish I had a boyfriend so that when my friends are being douchebags or the case being that all of my besties live too far away I'd have someone else. But that's not the case. And men suck at life so I guess I'll be hanging out with my mom again woofuckinghoo.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
So pretty much, I just ate waaaaaaaaaay too much food and I feel like I'm going to fucking explode. Like srsly. Anyhow, three days ago was the Every Time I Die show in LI, it ruled my fucking face as per usual. I had so much fun and oddly enough, I didn't get my ass beat in the way I did seeing New Found Glory at that same exact venue. Those NFG fans are DIEFUCKING HARD. There's not much else to talk about, next week is WATU, I'm really excited. I'm not really excited at all to see Josh though because I will end up crying at some point during either show. Or both shows, who knows. I spent a whole year nearly wasting my life away chasing after him and us being friends, just did not work at all. Not my motherfucking fault, but whatevs. Here's some ETID pics to cheer me up again. Woot!
Jordan Buckley is one sexy motherfucker.

So's his bro Keith. I wonder what his parents look like to pop out such hot kids. Srsly.


Happy Thanksgiving Charlie Brown is on. I have always loved Charlie Brown, because I could always relate to him. Pessimism being the only thing I've ever thrived on, it's sad that I relate to a cartoon character so well. I'm going to go watch it and try to digest this big ass cow that I just ate.
Jordan Buckley is one sexy motherfucker.

So's his bro Keith. I wonder what his parents look like to pop out such hot kids. Srsly.


Happy Thanksgiving Charlie Brown is on. I have always loved Charlie Brown, because I could always relate to him. Pessimism being the only thing I've ever thrived on, it's sad that I relate to a cartoon character so well. I'm going to go watch it and try to digest this big ass cow that I just ate.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Hello again
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