So pretty much, I just ate waaaaaaaaaay too much food and I feel like I'm going to fucking explode. Like srsly. Anyhow, three days ago was the Every Time I Die show in LI, it ruled my fucking face as per usual. I had so much fun and oddly enough, I didn't get my ass beat in the way I did seeing New Found Glory at that same exact venue. Those NFG fans are DIEFUCKING HARD. There's not much else to talk about, next week is WATU, I'm really excited. I'm not really excited at all to see Josh though because I will end up crying at some point during either show. Or both shows, who knows. I spent a whole year nearly wasting my life away chasing after him and us being friends, just did not work at all. Not my motherfucking fault, but whatevs. Here's some ETID pics to cheer me up again. Woot!
Jordan Buckley is one sexy motherfucker.

So's his bro Keith. I wonder what his parents look like to pop out such hot kids. Srsly.


Happy Thanksgiving Charlie Brown is on. I have always loved Charlie Brown, because I could always relate to him. Pessimism being the only thing I've ever thrived on, it's sad that I relate to a cartoon character so well. I'm going to go watch it and try to digest this big ass cow that I just ate.
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