Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The quality of your friends is something you should contemplate.

You're totally excluded from this rant, Richard <3

Sometimes I feel like I give too much of myself to other people. Whenever I get close to someone, or I feel like I can trust them, they ALWAYS fuck shit up. I'm tired of feeling that way, why can't you just be my friend and not make me feel like I constantly have to keep my guard up when we talk, or that I can't even believe a word that comes out of your mouth?

It makes me feel like I just shouldn't trust people anymore. How many times have I been fucked up by guys AND girls alike (friendship-wise of course for the females) and still haven't learned my lesson? I just want to shut myself off, so this doesn't keep happening. I've often wondered why when I was in school I never went out of my way to get to know anybody after Louise moved away. There's just no fucking point. I know who my friends are, and I don't want anymore.

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