Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.

The weather today was fucking beautiful. I was in work all morning/afternoon though so I really only got to enjoy 20 minutes of it. Fucking sucks. I'm about to go to the gym. Even though I missed most of it, it felt awesome to have the sun on my face and not have to thaw myself after I got back indoors. I don't care how bad my allergies are this year, I can't fucking wait for spring.

Yesterday was good, Richard came over and I kind of ended up smuggling him into my bed to sleep a few extra hours beside me which ruled. I wouldn't trade that feeling for anything in the world. Even after have a bad dream, I completely forgot what it was about when I woke up and he was right there. Le motherfucking sigh.


Lookman said...

it sure was beautiful today. tell rich i said hi.

Abbie Road said...

yes it was i'm glad you got to share it with richard<3!.. i adore him but not as much as you....true story<3!

Tranette said...

I will tell him you said hi lookmeng haha