Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My sister called my momz this morning and told her as far as she's concerned she has no mother, that her mom is dead. Who the fuck does shit like that? My mom has done NOTHING but do everything for this bitch, she sent her money when she was bone poor, she defended her when she was being an asshole to all the rest of my siblings, and then she goes and starts hanging out wiht my crazy fucking aunt, who brainwashed her with all sorts of lies and gossip about my mom...and now she wants nothing to do with us. ANY of us. Even me. I've never done anything to this stupid ho either. I went to Barbados last summer for two weeks and I was supposed ot be staying with said sister, she ditched me the ENTIRE two weeks I was there to spend it with her stupid faghag boyfriend and wouldn't even drive me to the airport my last day there. It was heartbreaking. Ever since then she's not said one word to me and it sucks. Oh, not to mention she got pregnant by said boyfriend who dumped her directly after. I don't understand the logistics of women whatsoever. A man is never going to be there for you, you have yourself and that's fucking it. Stick by your friends and your family, stop thinking that popping out a kid for some asshole is going to make him stay. Because it won't.

Now she has two kids and no family. Good job, bitch.

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