Thursday, December 25, 2008

Nat King Cole Christmas songs pwn your face.

Well I hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas so far. I am having a mild one so far, nobody is fighting which is more than I could ever ask for. I gave my parents their presents, my dad gave me lottery tickets like he does every year. My mom gave me her same sorry ex cuse for not getting me anything, but I don't really expect shit from my momz b/c she does a lot of shit for me throughout the year and she just got me this bed last month so I'm still pretty stoked on that. I'm really tired though, I want to go back to bed and not help cook or deal with guests later. I just want Richard with a bow in my bed lol.


Lookman said...

My christmas was boring as usual. You get you're gifts, everyone is happy, then we do our own things(play with our gifts or w/e).

I guess both of our christmas' went well. Cya on monday.

Tranette said...

I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT TO SEE YOU!!! I'm glad you had a good Christmas too <33